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WORKSHOP med Dolores Hulan og Johanna Chemnitz
Kjøp billetter
29. oktober 2016 Kl. 11:00
Sted: Bergen Dansesenter
Kategori: Workshop
Varighet: 2 timer

The workshop with Dolores Hulan and Johanna Chemnitz will begin with bodywork that leads towards working and experimenting with some of the material of Mette Ingvartsens piece 7 Pleasures, which both Dolores and Johanna have been part of during it’s creation process and are performing in.



Dolores Hulan is a performer, dancer and choreographer working and living in Brussels/Belgium. Her artistic practice consists of both working for and with other artists/makers/choreographers as well as doing her own pieces, research and teaching. She has worked and works with makers such as Mette Ingvartsen, Ivo Dimchev, Eleanor Bauer, Ariel Efraim Ashbel, Brice Leroux, Vincent Dunoyer and Willi Dorner.

Currently she is touring as a dancer the piece 7 Pleasures by Mette Ingvartsen and works on her research entitled residue_s, as well as following an Iokai Shiatsu training.

Johanna Chemnitz studied Modern and Contemporary Dance at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Danceacademy Arnhem (NL) from 2000-2004. Amongst others she has worked with Eszter Gàl, Sasha Waltz & Guests and Margrét-Sara Gudjónsdóttir/Panic Productions. 

Currently she is touring as a dancer the piece 7 Pleasures by Mette Ingvartsen, works on her solo Shapes of Noise and Silence and teaches yoga and workshops/classes in Improvisation & Composition and Dance Technique.

For signing up, contact ingrid@bit-teatergarasjen.no 

The workshop is free of charge and open for dancers, other performing artists and artists with the interest of working with movements. Students within dance/theatre/performance may apply for participation.

The workshop is presented in collaboration with PRODA Hordaland and Bergen Dansesenter