Sina Saberi is an artist in residence at BIT Teatergarasjen/Air Bergen, and invites us into his studio and research connected to the performance A basis of being. With a background in literature, teaching and communication, Saberi’s artistic journey is inspired by the urgency of the performing arts merged with critical dialogue. In terms of movement, Sina is curious about the 40-year void that dance has faced in Iran, and wonders what Iranian contempo- rary dance might look like.
Dealing with questions of identity rising out of the very particular context of the Islamic Re- public, he looks at elements within the Persian culture and how they might still be relevant today within this – and a broader – context.
This research process proposes dance as an alternate state of being. It looks at the embodi- ment of several unful lled states of being, born out of one speci c context. This context gives birth to a union of the forbidden, the degenerate and the dance enthusiast who have ful lled their being through this collective state.
The questions and images mostly come from classical and contemporary Persian literature leaning toward questions of gender & identity. Actual moving images from the popular cul- ture of the Iranian fties (the Gregorian 70s’) are also part of this process of embodiment.
A basis of being will also be presented as a work in progress during the BEIRUT DAY & NIGHT program.